Shareholder's update for the 7 months of 2023 Group sales performance

The devastating fires and the persistent heat wave have not altered the continued confidence of the consumers in the products and services of the JUMBO Group.

During July 2023, Group's sales increased by c. 19% y-o-y.

  • During the seven-month period of 2023, Group's sales increased by c. 20% y-o-y. This performance exceeds managements' estimate of 15% growth for the year.

The Group's management will revisit the budget, after September trading, which includes back to school.

In addition, the Jumbo Group proactively differentiates with daily price reductions especially in non-discretionary products, which is also compatible with the direction of both the Development Ministry and the Central Banker, a contingent approach when considering the reduction of the real disposable income of Greek consumers.


Sales performance by country:



In July 2023, the net sales of the parent company - excluding intragroup sales – increased by c. 22% y-o-y.

Overall, for the first seven months of 2023, the net sales of the parent company - excluding intragroup sales – increased by c. 22 % y-o-y.



The network's sales increased by c. 16% y-o-y in July 2023. Overall, for the first seven months of 2023 the network's sales increased by c. 18% y-o-y.



The network's sales increased by c. 12% y-o-y in July 2023. Overall, for the first seven months of 2023 the network's sales increased by c. 16% y-o-y.



In July 2023, sales increased by c. 15% y-o-y. In July, the JUMBO Group launched its online store in the country (https://www.e-jumbo.ro/).

Overall, for the first seven months of 2023 sales increased by c. 17% y-o-y.


Dividend Distribution

As already announced, the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the JUMBO Group approved the BoD proposal for the distribution of a dividend from 2022 profits, of a gross amount of 0,3220 EUR/share.


August 23, 2023 is set as the cut-off date. Beneficiaries of the dividend are the Company's shareholders registered on record of the DSS on Thursday 24.08.2023 (the record date). The payment of the dividend to the entitled shareholders shall begin on Tuesday 29.08.2023.