Announcement of privileged information about the Takeover Bid

"IDEAL HOLDINGS A.E." (hereinafter the "Company"), announces in accordance with article 17 par. 1 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014, that, in the context of the Optional Take Over Bid (hereinafter the "Takeover Bid") submitted on 1/ 7/2022 for the acquisition of 100% of the issued shares of the company "BYTE SA", and according to the information received on 9/9/2022 from ATHEXClear and the Company's Advisor for the Takeover Bid, the Declarations of Acceptance that have been submitted up to the said date, exceed the percentage of 70% of the total paid-up share capital of "BYTE SA".

It is noted that the Company has defined as a condition for the validity of the Takeover Bid, the achievement of an acceptance rate of at least 70% of the total paid-up share capital of "BYTE SA", therefore this specific condition has now been satisfied. It is pointed out that, according to the terms of the Information Memorandum, the Takeover Bid is subject to the following conditions: a) the issuance of the Company's new shares pursuant to the share capital increase and b) the approval of their listing on ATHEX.

It is recalled that the deadline for the submission of Declarations of Acceptance of the Public Offer by the shareholders of "BYTE SA" is September 19, 2022.

It is clarified that the above is not intended to constitute and does not in any way constitute advice, exhortation or recommendation for the acceptance or non-acceptance of the Takeover Bid.