Sale of Own Shares through a Private Placement

The company Unibios Holdings SA, in accordance with the applicable legislation, the decision of the Board of Directors dated 28.02.2023 and its relevant announcement of 03.03.2023, announces, in the context of the correct, valid and timely information of the investors, that on Friday 17.03.2023 it transferred, through a private placement, 150,000 Own Shares, which correspond to 0.96% of its paid-up share capital,  with a sale price of EUR 0.675 per share and a total value of EUR 101,250. The aforementioned own shares were acquired pursuant to the relevant decisions of the General Meeting of the Company's shareholders.  As a result, the Company currently does not own any of its own shares.


The purchaser of the shares is Mr. Karl Michael Millauer, nominee member of the Board of Directors of Unibios Holdings. Mr. Millauer has served as a senior executive in major companies operating in the water industry internationally where he held positions of high responsibility. In recent years, he has been active in providing consulting services to companies in the water treatment and reuse industry with emphasis on business partnerships and investments, acquisitions and mergers. Mr. Millauer is based in Zurich. Mr. Millauer will contribute to the development of Watera Group activities internationally, further enhancing the extroversion of the Unibios Group.