PRESS RELEASE:Great Success of INTRACOM DEFENSE: Six new projects Funding Approval in the context of EDF 2021

Koropi-Greece, August 1st, 2022: According to the results recently announced by the European Commission, six (6) new projects in which Intracom Defense participates were selected for funding within the framework of the European Defense Fund - EDF 2021 programs, following a competition and an evaluation process by European Commission's experts, in a highly competitive environment. This success follows the positive results the company already achieved in the frame of the first two EDF pilot activities, the European Defense Industrial Development Program - EDIDP and the Preparatory Action for Defense Research - PADR.

The new projects are the following:

  • “NOvel energy storage technologies usable at MilitAry Deployments in forward operating bases ” - NOMAD
  • “Energy Independent and Efficient Deployable Military Camps” - INDY
  • “Convoy Operations with Manned-unManneD Systems” - COMMANDS
  • "European Patrol Corvette" - EPC
  • “5G Communications for Peacekeeping And Defense” - 5G COMPAD
  • "Digital Ship Structural Health Monitoring" - dTHOR

These award-winning projects are related to strategic product areas of the company, such as Hybrid Energy and Storage Technologies, Tactical Communications, Information Security, Unmanned Systems and Interoperability Issues, where IDE has a competitive advantage and can contribute significantly with its technology, know-how and expertise.  IDE will have the opportunity to technologically enhance its products and participate effectively in the new generation of European defense systems targeted by the European Defense Fund.

It is worth noting that INTRACOM DEFENSE participates in a total of thirteen (13) projects of the European Defense Fund, which ranks it first in Greek participation and among the organizations with the largest percentage of participation in Europe.

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About IDE

INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) is a highly acclaimed Defense Systems Company in Greece, with an outstanding record of exports to quality-driven international customers and participation in domestic programs.

IDE utilizes cutting-edge technologies in the design and development of advanced products in the areas of Missile Electronics, Tactical IP Communications, C4I Systems, Surveillance, Hybrid Electric Power Systems, and Unmanned Systems. The Company retains its international recognition through the long standing participation in European and NATO new technology development programs. Utilizing advanced production capabilities and large-scale project management know-how, IDE is a key player in the high technology sector of the Hellenic Defense Industry. For more information please visit: