Information on the Resolutions of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the company

At the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders which was held on Wednesday, July 5th, 2023 at 16.00, at the Company's offices (9, Kyprou & Hydras street, in Moschato, Attica), attended in conformity with the law 724 shareholders, representing 112.446.742 common registered shares of the total 136.059.759 common registered shares, equal to a percentage of 82,65% of the Company's fully paid-up share capital.


The shareholders discussed and adopted the following resolutions regarding the items of the agenda:


1. The General Meeting approved the Annual Financial Report for the financial year from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022, which includes the annual separate and consolidated financial statements, the relevant Board of Directors' statements and Statutory Auditors' reports.


Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 112.163.187 shares voted in favour or percentage 99,75% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 149.828 voted against, or percentage 0,13% of the represented shares and votes while abstention reached the percentage of 0,12%, i.e. shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 133.727 shares declared abstention from voting.


2. The report of Independent Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors in accordance with article 9 par. 5 of Law 4706/2020, was presented.


3. The Chairman of the Audit Committee presented the report on the activities of the Audit Committee for the financial year from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022 to the shareholders of the Company.


4. The General Meeting approved the table of profit distribution from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022, which was prepared in accordance with IFRS, and distribution of a dividend.


Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 112.446.742 shares voted in favour or percentage 100,00% of the represented shares and votes.


5. The General Meeting approved the overall Board of Directors' management of the Company for the financial year from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022 in accordance with article 108 of Law 4548/2018 and discharged the Statutory Auditors for the financial year from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022 in accordance with article 117 par.1 (c), of Law 4548/2018.


Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 111.390.804 shares voted in favour or percentage 99,06% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 856.809 voted against, or percentage 0,76% of the represented shares and votes while abstention reached the percentage of 0,18%, i.e. shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 199.129 shares declared abstention from voting.


6. The General Meeting approved the fees to the Members of the Company's Board of Directors from the profits of the financial year from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022 within the meaning of article 109 of Law 4548/2018


Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 107.585.256 shares voted in favour or percentage 95,68% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 4.861.486 voted against, or percentage 4,32% of the represented shares and votes.


7. The General Meeting approved the Remuneration Report for the financial year 01.01.2022-31.12.2022 in accordance with article 112 of Law 4548/2018.


Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 106.428.657 shares voted in favour or percentage 94,65% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 5.949.638 voted against, or percentage 5,29% of the represented shares and votes while abstention reached the percentage of 0,06%, i.e. shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 68.447 shares declared abstention from voting.


8. The General Meeting approved the Company's revised Remuneration Policy, in accordance with articles 110 and 111 of Law 4548/2018, as applicable.


Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 99.722.725 shares voted in favour or percentage 88,68% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 12.724.017 voted against, or percentage 11,32% of the represented shares and votes.


9. The General Meeting elected of a new Board of Directors with a two-year mandate and appointed the independent members.


9.1. Apostolos- Evangelos  Vakakis

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 107.563.484 shares voted in favour or percentage 95,66% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 4.783.902 voted against, or percentage 4,25% of the represented shares and votes while abstention reached the percentage of 0,09%, i.e. shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 99.356 shares declared abstention from voting.


9.2. Konstantina Demiri

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 111.828.356 shares voted in favour or percentage 99,45% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 618.386 voted against, or percentage 0,55% of the represented shares and votes.


9.3. Polys Polycarpou

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 111.776.826 shares voted in favour or percentage 99,40% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 669.916 voted against, or percentage 0,60% of the represented shares and votes.


9.4. Sofia Vakaki

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 111.781.336 shares voted in favour or percentage 99,41% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 665.406 voted against, or percentage 0,59% of the represented shares and votes.


9.5. Dimitrios Kerameus 

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 111.677.470 shares voted in favour or percentage 99,32% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 769.272 voted against, or percentage 0,68% of the represented shares and votes.


9.6. Nicolaos Velissariou

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 104.025.116 shares voted in favour or percentage 92,51% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 8.421.626 voted against, or percentage 7,5% of the represented shares and votes.


9.7. Evanthia Andrianou – proposed as independent, non- executive Member

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 111.855.729 shares voted in favour or percentage 99,47% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 591.013 voted against, or percentage 0,53% of the represented shares and votes.


9.8. Fotios Tzigkos- proposed as independent, non- executive Member

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 106.685.365 shares voted in favour or percentage 94,88% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 5.761.377 voted against, or percentage 5,12% of the represented shares and votes.


9.9. Marios Lasanianos- proposed as independent, non- executive Member

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 103.829.922 shares voted in favour or percentage 92,34% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 8.616.820 voted against, or percentage 7,66% of the represented shares and votes.


9.10. Savvas Kaouras- proposed as independent, non- executive Member

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 111.993.583 shares voted in favour or percentage 99,60% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 453.159 voted against, or percentage 0,40% of the represented shares and votes.


9.11. Charalampos (Babis) Pandis, proposed as independent, non- executive Member

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 112.446.742 shares voted in favour or percentage 100,0% of the represented shares and votes.


9.12. Argyro Athanasiou, proposed as independent, non- executive Member

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 112.446.742 shares voted in favour or percentage 100,0% of the represented shares and votes.


9.13. Efthymia Deli, proposed as independent, non- executive Member

Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 112.446.742 shares voted in favour or percentage 100,0% of the represented shares and votes.


10. The General Meeting approved the Appointment and Term of office of the members of the Audit Committee in accordance with article 44 of Law 4449/2017.


Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 112.446.742 shares voted in favour or percentage 100,00% of the represented shares and votes.


11. The General Meeting elected the Auditing Firm for audit of financial statements regarding the financial year from 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023 and determination of the audit fees.


Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 104.558.188 shares voted in favour or percentage 92,98% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 7.888.554 voted against, or percentage 7,02% of the represented shares and votes.