Update regarding the special permission of the Board for the provision of a guarantee in favor of the related company ALPHA SATELLITE TELEVISION S.A. pursuant to the articles 99-101 of the Law 4548/2018
Following the announcement dated June 22nd, 2023, which was also uploaded on the General Electronic Commercial Registry (GEMI) with protocol number 2985413/22.06.2023, MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. (the Company) hereby informs the investment public that the 10-day deadline for the submission of a request for a General Meeting to decide on the special permission for the provision of a guarantee in favor of the related company ALPHA SATELLITE TELEVISION S.A up to the amount of Euro 9.8 million, lapsed on July 3rd, 2023.
The said special permission is valid for six months.
The present announcement is issued in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Article 101 of the Law 4548/2018.
Maroussi, 4 July 2023
The Board of Directors