Purchase of own shares

KRIKRI Milk Industry S.A., with VAT No EL094289571 and Reg. ID 113772252000, (thereof: “the Company”) announces that, according to the resolution of its Shareholders' Meeting dated 05.07.2022, as well as following the announcement as of 04.10.2022, purchased through the Athens Exchange on 29.06.2023, 2,750 own shares at an average price of €7.9782 per share, and a total value of €21,940.00 and purchased on 30.06.2023 1,366 own shares at an average price of €7.9423 per share, and a total value of €10,849.24 .

These purchases were committed by NBG Securities S.A., a member of the Athens Exchange member. After these purchases, KRIKRI SA holds a total of 69,201 own shares, that is 0.209% of the total number of shares issued.

This announcement is issued pursuant to Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052.