ALPHA TRUST Mutual Fund and Alternative Investment Fund Management S.A. (the “Company”) informs the investors that, the Board of Directors, at its meeting on 31st of May 2023, decided the commencement of the process of Company's transformation. In particular it was decided to initiate the process of the Company's merger with its wholly owned subsidiary "ALPHA TRUST Hellenic Land Single Member Societe Anonyme" by the absorption of the latter by the former, in accordance with the provisions of Laws 4601/2019, 4548/2018 and 4172/2013, as in force.

The completion of the merger is subject to the approvals of the Company's competent bodies, required by law and all other necessary approvals.

The Company will inform the investors, in accordance with the applicable law, of the progress of the merger process.

Kifissia, May 31st, 2023