Financial results for the 6-month period of 2023

VARVARESSOS S.A. turnover during the 6-month period of 2023 reached 1,47 million EURO contrary to 4,46 million EURO in the same period of 2022, increased by 66,95%. The company's exports came up to 1,387 million EURO (94,1% of the total revenues). Losses before depreciation (EBITDA) have reached -2,45 million EURO contrary to losses -2,27 million  EURO during the same period of 2022. The company's result was formed in losses of -4,54 million EURO for 2023 compared to losses of -3,47 million EURO in the corresponding period of the previous year.

The Company is in contact and discussions with strategic investor for the financing of the Company.

The aforementioned statements are posted at the company's website www.varvaressos.gr.