Announcement of regulated information of Law 3556/2007

The Société Anonyme under the name "FLEXOPACK SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY” and the distinctive title “FLEXOPACK S.A.”  (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), in accordance with the provisions of articles 3 and 21 of Law 3556/2007 as well as article 19 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 16th of April 2014, and following relevant notifications submitted to the Company, announces in aggregate that in the context of the implementation of the Stock Option Plan to selected executives of the Company, which was established pursuant to relevant resolution of the Board of Directors dated 17.05.2021, following the authorization provided by the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of the 29.06.2018:


(a) Mr. Georgios Gkinosatis, son of Spyridon, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of corresponding stock options, 8,300 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 24,900.00 Euro,


(b) Mrs. Stamatina Gkinosati, daughter of Georgios, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of corresponding stock options, 8,300 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 24,900.00 Euro,


(c) Mr. Stamatios Gkinosatis, son of Spyridon, Chief Executive Officer of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of corresponding stock options, 8,300 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 24,900.00 Euro,


(d) Mrs. Asimina Gkinosati, daughter of Dimitrios, Executive Member of the Board of Directors of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, following the exercise of corresponding stock options, 8,300 common, registered  shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 24,900.00 Euro,


(e) Mr. Dimitrios Gkinosatis, son of Stamatios, Executive Member of the Board of Directors of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of the corresponding stock options, 8,300 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 24,900.00 Euro,


(f) Mr. Spyridon Gkinosatis, son of Stamatios, Executive Member of the Board of Directors of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of corresponding stock options, 8,300 common, registered  shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 24,000.00 Euros,


(g) Mr. Anastasios Lymperopoulos, son of Andreas, Director of Financial Services of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of the corresponding stock options, 2,200 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 6,600.00 Euro,


(h) Mr. Panagiotis Pelonis,  son of Diomidis, Factory Director of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of the corresponding stock options, 2,200 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 6,600.00 Euro,


(i) Mr. Georgios Rousos, son of Dimitrios, R&D Director of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of the corresponding stock options, 2,200 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 6,600.00 Euro,


(j) Mr. Dimitrios Mantzoros, son of Vergοs, Group Commercial Director of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of the corresponding stock options, 2,200 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 6,600.00 Euro,


(k) Mr. Vasilios Kyrou son of Ilias, Sales Director of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of the corresponding stock options, 2,200 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 6,600.00 Euro,


(l) Mr. Antonios Koumoutsos, son of Ioannis, Group Supply Chain Director of the Company (liable person under the above provisions), acquired on 18.05.2023, as a result of the exercise of the corresponding stock options, 2,200 common, registered shares of the Company with voting right for a total price of 6,600.00 Euro.



                                                                                                                          Koropi, Μay 22, 2023

                                                                                                                         For FLEXOPACK S.A.