New Organizational Structure

Athens, April 6, 2021



New Organizational Structure


EYDAP informs the investment community that the new organizational structure of the Company, which was approved by the BoD Decisions 20715/27.11.2020, 20762/30.12.2020 and 20852/5.4.2021 is effective from the beginning of April, 2021.


The new organizational structure has emerged after an analysis of modern corporate requirements and focuses on the effective utilization of the Company's human resources, as well as its transformation into a modern and efficient organization, focusing on the customer relations, for the benefit of the Company.


The new organizational structure, listed below, includes eight General Divisions, some of which emerged from the upgrade and strengthening of their responsibilities and some of which are new:


  • Water Supply General Division
  • Sewerage and Wastewater General Division
  • Customers General Division
  • Human Resources General Division
  • Transformation General Division
  • Major Projects General Division
  • Finance & Supply Chain General Division
  • Digital Governance General Division


The upgraded Human Resources General Division aims to meet the needs and development of the Company's human resources in an objective and meritocratic way. The new Transformation General Division will undertake the execution of the Company's transformation program, the management, and supervision of the portfolio of optimization projects, to improve the efficiency of the company's business operations. The new Major Projects General Division will support the implementation of the Company's investment plan, focusing on the new important large-scale sewerage projects in Eastern Attica, including the opportunities for the reuse of recycled water for irrigation or other purposes. The upgraded Finance & Supply Chain General Division will take over the central management of finances and will reorganize the activities of the supply chain, on a completely new basis, to better meet the needs of the Company. The new Digital Governance General Division will assist the Company in the transition to digital transformation, to respond more effectively to its increasingly digital needs and the requirements of the digital era.


At the same time, within the framework of the new organizational structure, the Shareholder Services, and the Corporate Announcements Services are merged into the Shareholder Services and Corporate Announcements Department, while a Division of Financial Analysis and Investors Relations is created. Also, a new Division of Strategy and Innovation, a new Division of Risk Management, and a new Division of Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSSE & Quality Assurance) are created.


The changes were made considering the relevant legal and regulatory framework of corporate governance, the proposals that came from both the Company's executives and the optimization projects completed in 2020, as well as best practices derived from similar infrastructure companies.


The new organizational chart allows the Company to meet the opportunities and challenges of the future, based on its three strategic pivots: security, efficiency, and growth.


The process of assignment of all the new positions of the organizational chart up to the position of the Department Managers is already in progress and is expected to be completed the sooner possible.