ANNOUNCEMENT - Notification of significant change in voting rights - correct repetition

Monday, July 26, 2021




Notification of significant change in voting rights - correct repetition


Further to Eurobank Ergasias Services and Holdings S.A. (“Company”) announcement on 20 July 2021, the Company, based on relevant information received from the company Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (“Fairfax”), in relation to the notification that Fairfax submitted to the Company on 16 July 2021, pursuant to law 3864/2010, announces that Fairfax informed the Company on the following:


“On 14 July 2021 Fairfax through its subsidiaries (together “Fairfax”) acquired the remaining 50% interest in Costa Luxembourg Sarl, which in turn owns 80% of the share capital and voting rights in Eurolife FFH Insurance Group Holdings S.A, which in turn owns the entire share capital and voting rights in Eurolife FFH Life Insurance S.M.S.A. and Eurolife FFH General Insurance S.M.S.A.


Following the above acquisition, Eurolife FFH Insurance Group Holdings S.A. became a subsidiary of Fairfax. Further, a correct repetition of items (56) and (57) of paragraph 10 (Additional Information) in the TR-1 notification submitted to the Company on 16 July 2021:


“56.   Eurolife FFH Asigurari Generale S.A. is held 95.2881% by Eurolife FFH General Single Member S.A. (see as per 51 above) and 4.7119% by Eurolife FFH Life Single Member S.A. (see as per 55 above);

57.       Eurolife FFH Asigurari de Viata S.A. is held 95% by Eurolife FFH Life Single Member S.A. (see as per 55 above) and 5% by Eurolife FFH General Single Member S.A. (see as per 51 above)”.