Announcement of dividend payment of Fiscal Year 2020 and Cut-off (Ex-Dividend) Date and Payment of the Monetary Distribution from Previous Years' Earnings


Announcement of dividend payment

The Société Anonyme with the name “Flour Mills Kepenos S.A.” and with Registration Number (G.E.MI.): 036116616000 and ISIN Code: GRS438003006 (hereinafter referred to as "Company") announces, that by decision of the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders of July 16th, 2021, it was approved:

The distribution of a dividend totaling 1,809,000.00 euros or 0.27 euros per share (gross amount). The dividend will be deducted 5% tax according to the law and therefore the shareholders will receive a net amount of 0.2565 euros per share and is analyzed as follows:

a)      Under the 2nd item of the Agenda, the distribution of dividend of a total amount of EUR 1,200,000 i.e. EUR 0.179 per share (gross amount).

From the above amount is deducted the corresponding tax of 5% and therefore the final paid amount of the monetary distribution will settle at EUR 0.1701 per share.

b)      Under the 3rd item of the Agenda, in accordance with the provisions of article 162 par. 3 of Law 4548/2018, the monetary distribution from previous yearsΆ earnings and in particular it was decided the monetary distribution of a total amount of EUR 609,000 (gross amount), i.e. EUR 0.091 per share (gross amount).

From the above amount is deducted the corresponding tax of 5% and therefore the final paid amount of the monetary distribution will settle at EUR 0.0865 per share.

The cut-off (ex-dividend) date for both monetary distributions was set for 21.07.2021. Therefore, the beneficiaries of the above monetary distributions under (a) and (b) are those shareholders registered in the records of the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) which is managed by the company “Hellenic Central Securities Depository Société Anonyme” at the record date, i.e. 22.07.2021. The payment of the monetary distributions under (a) and (b) will be made on 27.07.2021, through the paying Bank "ALPHA BANK S.A." as

  1. Through the participants of the beneficiaries in the DSS (Banks and Stock Exchange Companies) in accordance with the applicable rules of operation of ATHEXCSD (Greek Central Securities Depository SA) and their relevant decisions.
  2. Especially in the case of payment to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose securities are held in the Special Account of their Share in the DSS, under the supervision of ATHEXCSD, the process of payment will be carried out after the completion of the legalisation of the heirs, through the network of branches of the Paying Bank.

From Thursday, July 28th 2022 onwards, the payment of the monetary distribution will be taking place at the CompanyΆs offices, in West Achaea municipality in the Achaea regional unit, industrial area of Patras, Greece, P.C. 25018.

For more information, shareholders are kindly requested to contact the Company's Shareholder Service Department during working days and hours on the telephone +30 2610-241940.

In addition, the contact details of the paying Bank "ALPHA BANK S.A." are the following: tel.: +30 210-3436704. This announcement is uploaded at the CompanyΆs website www.kepenos.gr .

Patras, 16.07.2021

The Board of Directors