Nomination of Audit Committee Member of PPA S.A. in replacement of deceased member - Reconstitution of the Audit Committee
Nomination of Audit Committee Member of PPA S.A. in replacement of deceased member - Reconstitution of the Audit Committee
PPA S.A. announces the appointment, of Mr. POLITIS Dimitrios, Non-Executive Member of PPA S.A., as Audit Committee Member of the Company, in replacement of the late IOANNIDOU Lito for the remaining of her term of office.
Due to the above replacement, the Audit Committee is reconstituted as follows:
1) Mr. KWONG Che Keung Gordon, Chairman of the Audit Committee.
2) Mr. ARVANITIS Νikolaos, Audit Committee Member.
3) Mr. POLITIS Dimitrios, Audit Committee Member.
The term of office of the Audit Committee is equal to the term of office of the newly elected Board of Directors of the Company, whose term of office is annual.