The annual briefing of PPA S.A to the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association took place via teleconference

The annual briefing to the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association for the results of PPA S.A. for the year 2020 took place via teleconference in the presence of Mr. Angelos Karakostas, Deputy CEO, and Ms Li Jin, CFO, with the participation of 35 analysts and representatives from investment companies.

Despite the impact of COVID-19 and the negative effects on the financial results in specific business units, like the Cruise, Ferry and Car Terminal the Company achieved the uninterrupted continuation of port activities in conditions of safety, without placing any employee on temporary suspension. In addition, the Company proceeded with contracting of investments amounting to € 211.7 million and strengthens its efforts to accelerate their implementation.

More specifically the turnover amounted to € 132.9 million, the profit before taxes amounted to € 36.9 million and profits after taxes amounted to € 26.4 million.

The proposed dividend per share amounts to € 0.40 keeping the same ratio to the net profitability compared to the previous years.

The Company's Management continues the intense efforts to deal with the special circumstances and all business units return to growth.



*The company's presentation is available on www.olp.gr
