On Thursday 1 April 2021 at 18:30 p.m., the meeting of the Audit Committee took place via teleconference.

Members of the Audit Committee participated at the meeting:

  • Eleni Inglezou
  • Konstantinos Sfakakis
  • Marinos Giannopoulos


Single Item: Composition of the Audit Committee into a body.


With the decision taken on 31.3.2021 by the Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company a new Board of Directors was elected and the independent members of it were determined. Furthermore, the kind, composition, term and persons who will members of the Audit Committee were also determined and following that the Board of Directors was composed into a body on 31.3.2021 and its non-executive members were determined.

Following the above decisions, the members of the Audit Committee unanimously elect Mr. Konstantinos Sfakakis, according to art. 44 par. 1 item e of L. 4449/2017, as in place and decide to be composed into a body as follows:

-          (a) Chairman of the Audit Committee, Mr. Konstantinos Sfakakis son of Emmanouil, Independent non -Executive Member of the Board of Directors, independent from the Company as per the articles 4 of Law 3016/2002 and 9 of L. 4706/2020, resident of Cholargos (7 Skopelou str.), born in Pitsidia of Heraklion Crete on 03/04/1948, owner of the identity card with No ΑΖ 083238, Tax Registration No 015571874 Cholargos Tax Office.


-          (b) Member of the Audit Committee, Mr. Marinos Giannopoulos son of Stamatios, Independent non -Executive Member of the Board of Directors, independent from the Company as per the articles 4 of Law 3016/2002 and 9 of L. 4706/2020, resident of Filothei Attica (32 Kolokotroni str.), born in Athens on 07/08/1953, owner of the identity card with No ΑΗ064139, Tax Registration No 020242890, Psychico Tax Office.


-          (c) Member of the Audit Committee, Ms Eleni Inglezou daughter of Nikolaos, third person, non-member of the Board of Directors, independent from the Company as per article 4 of Law 3016/2002, resident of Anavyssos (20 Korai str.), born in Athens on 29/02/1960, owner of the identity card No ΑΙ 511166, Tax Registration No 040411563 Koropi Tax Office.


Every above member fulfills the conditions of Law and Rules of Operation of the Company's Audit Committee. In particular: All members of the Audit Committee have sufficient knowledge in the field in which the Company operates while most of them are independent members of the Company, within the meaning of the provisions of L. 3016/2002 and L. 4706/2020. The criterion of sufficient knowledge and experience in auditing and accounting is proven to be met to all members of the Board of Directors.


Since there are no other items for discussion the Meeting ended.



For the Audit Committee




Konstantinos Sfakakis                         Eleni Inglezou                                      Marinos Giannopoulos

President                                             Member                                              Member