Distribution of profits and reserves (Correct Repetition)
The company “TERNA ENERGY S.A.” informs the investors, in compliance with clause of the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation, that the Company's Ordinary General Meeting held on June 22, 2022, approved the distribution of profits and reserves totaling Euro 39,390,730.60, i.e. an amount of Euro 0.34 per share, according to article 162 par. 3 of law 4548/2018. This distribution is subject to withholding tax of 5%, in accordance with the provisions of article 24 of Law 4646/2019 and the net payable amount totaling Euro 37,421,194.07, thus 0.323000 euros per share. The amount will be increased, with the corresponding dividend of the 379,181 own shares, held by the Company. Thus Shareholders will receive a total amount of
0.3422328734 euros per share while the net payable amount per share is 0.3251212297 euros.
Beneficiaries of the said distribution are the shareholders who are registered in the D.S.S. of the Company on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 (record date). As of Monday, July 4, 2022 (ex‐dividend date) the Company's shares will be traded in the Athens Stock Exchange without the right to receive such distribution.
Payment shall commence, in accordance with the provisions of the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation, on Monday July 11, 2022 and shall be effected by “ALPHA BANK” as follows:
1. Through the operators of the beneficiaries in the D.S.S. (Banks and Brokerage Firms), in accordance with Rulebook of the Hellenic Central Securities Depository and its relevant decisions.
2. Especially in cases of dividend payment to the heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose titles are kept in the Special Account of their Share in the D.S.S., under the management of ATHEXCSD, the dividend payment process will be carried out after completion of the legalization of the heirs, through the “ALPHA BANK” network.
After 11‐07-2023 payment shall be made only in the offices of the Company, at 85, Messogion Ave., 11526, Athens. There is a prescription period of 5 years, after which the Hellenic State becomes beneficiary. For more information, Investors can contact the Investor Relations Department (Mr. Giorgos Koufios, tel. 210 6968457).