

“AUTOHELLAS Tourist and Trading Société Anonyme” (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) according to ATHEX article, announces that its Extraordinary General Meeting took place on 1 September 2021, 13:00pm, in its entirety by participation of the shareholders from a distance either via teleconference in real time or by vote letter and without the natural presence of the shareholders, according to article 125 of Law 4548/2018 and article 10 par.3 of the Company's Articles of Association due to material reasons as provided for in article 120 par.3 of Law 4548/2018, i.e. the urgent need to take precautionary measures in order to restrict the spread of coronavirus SARS-COV-2. In the Extraordinary General Meeting 53 shareholders were present or represented with 37.123.971 voting rights out of a total 48,855,000 shares, or 75,99% of total share capital.


The following decisions were taken by the Extraordinary General Meeting:


SUBJECT 1: Unanimously approved the cancellation in accordance with article 49 of Law 4548/2018 of two hundred thirty thousand two hundred thirty-six (230.236) treasury shares, with a nominal value of EUR 0,08 each, held by the Company with a consequent reduction of its share capital by the amount of EUR 18.418,88 and a corresponding amendment to article 3 (Share Capital) of its Articles of Association.


SUBJECT 2: Approved by majority the granting of authorization to the Board of Directors of the Company to increase its share capital, up to an amount not exceeding three times the paid-up share capital of the Company at the date of granting the authorization to the Board of Directors, by issuing new, common, registered, voting shares, in accordance with article 24 par. 1b of Law 4548/2018, with or without preferential rights in favour of the existing shareholders, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The duration of the authorization was determined to be five (5) years from the date of the decision of the General Assembly.


More specifically:

Valid votes: 37.123.971 (namely 75,99% of the share capital and 100% of the present shareholders).

For: 34.541.097 (93,04 %), Against: 2.582.874 (6,96%), Abstain: 0.


SUBJECT 3: Approved by majority the granting of authorization to the Board of Directors to issue a bond loan with bonds convertible into common, registered, voting shares, in accordance with article 71 par. 1b of Law 4548/2018, with or without preferential rights in favour of existing shareholders, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The duration of the authorization was determined to be five (5) years from the date of the decision of the General Assembly.


More specifically:

Valid votes: 37.123.971 (namely 75,99% of the share capital and 100% of the present shareholders).

For: 34.541.097 (93,04 %), Against: 2.582.874 (6,96%), Abstain: 0.



SUBJECT 4:  Approved by majority the amendment of the resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of 15 July 2020 regarding the authorization to the Board of Directors for the establishment of a share offering program in the form of stock options and in particular recommends the extension of the aforementioned authorization to the Board of Directors for the establishment of a share offering program in the form of stock options and the conditions of article 113 of Law 4548/2018, so that in addition to the members of the Board of Directors and the Company personnel, to also involve members of the Board of Directors and the personnel the subsidiaries of the Company in the sense of article 32 of law 4308/2014.



More specifically:

Valid votes: 37.123.971 (namely 75,99% of the share capital and 100% of the present shareholders).

For: 34.049.417 (91,72 %), Against: 3.074.554 (8,28%), Abstain: 0.



SUBJECT 5: Elected by majority Mrs. Polyxeni Kazoli as a new independent non-executive member of the Board of Directors.


More specifically:

Valid votes: 37.123.971 (namely 75,99% of the share capital and 100% of present shareholders).

For: 35.925.171 (96,77 %), Against: 1.198.800 (3,23%), Abstain: 0.