Notification of executives change
The company IKTINOS HELLAS SA, according to article 2 par. 2 of decision 3/347/12-7-2005 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, announces that by resolution no. 665/4-6-2021 of the Board of Directors, Mr. George Panagiotidis is appointed as Internal Auditor replacing Mr. Panagiotis Liardakis, who is appointed as head of the Risk Management & Compliance Unit.
Mr. Panagiotidis meets the requirements of the existing legal framework (L.4706/2020), i.e. he is operationally and personally independent, he is not a member of the Board of Directors or a member with the right to vote in permanent committees of the Company, he has no close ties with anyone holding one of the above capacities in the Company, while he has appropriate knowledge and relevant professional experience for this position.
He has many years of active experience in internal auditing, holds a Master's degree in Economics from the Bradford School of Management, and is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) from the Institute of Internal Auditors-IIA.
Finally, Ms. Anastasia Haida, Member of the Board of Directors, is appointed as head of the Shareholder Service & Corporate Announcements Unit, replacing Ms. Dimitra Krikzoni.
Ms. Dimitra Krikzoni takes over as head of the Human Resources department.