Admission of new shares resulting from share capital increase following the exercise of stock options (Stock Option Plan)

The Société Anonyme under the name "FLEXOPACK SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY” and the distinctive title “FLEXOPACK S.A.”  (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), announces that on Wednesday, May 25 2022, commences the trading in the Athens Stock Exchange of 75.000 new, common, registered shares of the Company of nominal value of 0,54 Euro each, resulting from the recent increase of the share capital of the Company by 40.500,00 Euro, due to the exercise of stock options (Stock Option Plan) by the members of the Board of Directors, the Managers and employees of the Company, amounting to a total of twenty (20) persons, at a share offer price of 3,00 Euro, in accordance with the resolution of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders dated 29.06.2018 and the relevant resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company dated 19.12.2019.


The above share capital increase was certified by the Board of Directors of the Company on 06.05.2022, pursuant to the resolutions of the above Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders and was registered in the General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI.) on 10.05.2022, through the Division of Companies (Department of Listed S.A.) of the Ministry of Development and Investments as the competent Supervisory Authority.


It is noted that, following the above increase, the share capital of the Company now amounts to 6.369.312,96 Euro, divided into 11.795.024 common, registered shares of  nominal value  0,54 Euro each.


The Corporate Actions Committee of the Athens Stock Exchange at its meeting on May 18 2022 approved the admission to trading of the above 75.000 new common, registered shares of the Company.


By decision of the Company it is determined that the above new shares will be traded in the Athens Exchange from Wednesday, May 25 2022.


From the same date, the starting price of the Company's shares in the Athens Stock Exchange will be formed in accordance with the ATHEX Exchange Rulebook together with the decision No. 26 of the ATHEX Board of Directors, as in force, and the new shares will have been credited to the shares and securities accounts of the beneficiary shareholders in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS).


Messrs. shareholders may receive more information from the Form for the provision of information in accordance with article 1 par. 5 (h) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the 14th of June 2017, which is available electronically on the Company's website (http://www.flexopack.com) and on the website of the Athens Stock Exchange (http://www.athexgroup.gr), as well as to contact the Investor Relations and Corporate Announcements Department of the Company (Mrs. Stamatina Gkinosati, tel. +30 210 6680000).


Koropi, May 19  2022