Share capital return

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Share capital return

28 July 2021 HELLENIC EXCHANGES-ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE S.A. HOLDING (ΑΤΗΕΧ) informs investors that the Repeat General Meeting of shareholders, which took place on Wednesday 16.06.2021 approved the reduction of the share capital of the Company by the amount of €4,224,360.00 through a reduction in the share par value by €0.07 (from €0.49 to €0.42), and payment of this amount to shareholders.

On Tuesday 30.06.2021, decision 73027/30.06.2021 of the Ministry of Economy and Development was registered at the General Electronic Commercial Registry (GEMI) (registration number 2573001), approving the modification of the relevant article in the Company's Articles of Association resulting from the reduction in the share capital.
The ATHEX Corporate Actions Committee was informed on 27.07.2021 about the abovementioned change in the par value of the Company's shares.
Beneficiaries of the capital return (€0.07 per share), based on the record date rule, are shareholders of the Company that are registered in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) on Thursday 05.08.2021 (ex-date on Wednesday 04.08.2021 before the start of trading on Athens Exchange).
On the same date (04.08.2021), the opening price of the shares of the Company on ATHEX will be determined in accordance with the Athens Exchange Rulebook, in conjunction with Decision 26 of the BoD of ATHEX, as it applies.
The payment date for the share capital return is Wednesday 11.08.2021. Payment will be effected by the HELLENIC CENTRAL SECURITIES DEPOSITORY (ATHEXCSD), through the Participants of the DSS securities account as follows:
i. Through the Participants of the beneficiaries in the DSS (banks and brokerage companies), in accordance with the ATHEXCSD Rulebook of Operation and the relevant decisions.
ii. In particular, for cases of dividend payments to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose securities are maintained in the Special Account in the DSS, under ATHEXCSD management, the dividend payment process will be carried out by ATHEXCSD after the completion of the legalization of the heirs.
The ex-date (Wednesday 04.08.2020) is before the expiration (on 17.09.2021) of the Future with the ΑΤΗΕΧ share as the underlying security, and before the expiration (on 20.08.2021) of the future on the FTSE/ATHEX LARGE CAP (in which ΑΤΗΕΧ is a component stock).

For more information, shareholders can contact the Investor Relations Department of the Company (tel +30 210 336 6616, email: