At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of July 14, 2021, the total number of shares deposited was 5.074.195, i.e. 80,03% of the total share capital.
Then the attendees unanimously approved:
(a) the election of a new Board of Directors consisting of:
1. Konstantinos Nakas of Philippos, President & CEO, executive member
2. Stelios Vasilakis, of Dimitrios, Vice President, non-executive member
3. George Nakas of Philippos, Executive member
4. Maria Chatzigeorgiou of Panagiotis Executive member
5. Angeliki Tsagaraki of Apostolos, Independent non-executive member
6. Miltiadis Barnabas, of George, Independent non-executive member
7. George Vergos of Panagiotis, Independent non-executive member
(b) the completion of the purposes of the articles of association with the following activities:
1. Import and marketing of air fragrances.
2. Import and trade of beach accessories and equipment
and the amendment of Article 3 of the Articles of Association as follows:
Article 3.
The purpose of the company is:
1) Import, representation and marketing of all kinds of Musical Instruments, their components, audio systems, audiovisual electronic devices, import, representation, marketing and maintenance of computers and all kinds of electrical and electronic items, as well as import, representation of books, records, tapes and related articles.
2) Assembly, repair, maintenance, construction and production of the above.
3) The printing of music or related books, records, cassettes or other audiovisual media.
4) The construction of technical projects and the organization of events related to the above.
5) The lease of the above items.
6) The conduct of export trade on related and other items.
7) The establishment and operation of Music Schools in general.
8) Carrying out any work related to the above.
9) Operation of canteens, bars, restaurants and catering within the company's stores.
10) Import and trade of mobile communication and telecommunication equipment.
11) The establishment and operation of all kinds of Schools, Institutes and Vocational Training Institutes with the following objects of activities: Music, Informatics, Sound Engineering, Sound Engineers, Fine Arts, Theater, Dance, Cinema, Graphic Arts, Accounting & Economics, Accounting & Economics Journalism and all applied sciences.
12) Purchases and sales of all types of real estate.
13) Construction and exploitation of real estate.
14) Creation of an advertising company, an audiovisual media production company, a record company.
15) Import and trade of all sports and similar items (clothes, instruments, etc.).
16) Import and trade of children's toys and similar items.
17) Import and trade of stationery and related items.
18) Publishing and marketing of books of all kinds.
19) The organization of alternative packaging management systems as well as packaging waste and electrical and electronic equipment.
20) The management and protection of the copyrights of composers of music and other works and of the copyright holders.
21) Import and trade of all kinds of furniture and accessories (chairs, showcases, lighting, etc.) for any use.
22) Import and trade of all kinds of lighting fixtures, their accessories and similar items for any use.
23) Import and trade of all kinds of leather goods and similar for any use.
24) Import and trade of all kinds of gifts of metal, wood, leather, plastic, fabric, etc., for any use.
25) Import and trade of all kinds of clothing, its accessories and similar items for any use.
26) Import and trade of all kinds of household items.
27) Sales of non-food, non-consumer PDKA products, musical instruments, stationery, books, gift items and household items via internet.
28) Sales of eyeglasses, sunglasses and safety glasses and similar items, corrective, protective or other.
29) Trade of brews, herbs, sweets, cookies and nuts.
30) Trade of candles.
31) Trade of cosmetics and soaps.
32) Trade of textile and paper towels.
33) Trade of watches and jewelry.
34) Import and marketing of air fragrances.
35) Import and trade of beach accessories and equipment
To achieve its goals the company can:
a) participate in any business of similar purpose, with any commercial type, in Greece and abroad.
b) cooperate with any natural or legal person in any way.
c) establish branches or agencies anywhere in the country or abroad.
d) establish new companies that will have related or similar purposes.