Announcement of cut-off date/payment date for dividend of 2021


The Société Anonyme under the name “FLEXOPACK SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY” and the distinctive title “FLEXOPACK S.A.” (hereinafter the “Company”) announces that, according to article of the Athens Exchange Rulebook, as in force, the annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders, which held on the 10th of June 2022, approved unanimously the distribution (payment) to the Company's shareholders of dividend amounting to 1.591.006,06 (gross amount) Euro, i.e. standing at 0,136 Euro per share of the Company (gross amount).

The above amount is subject to withholding tax of 5%, according to the provisions of par. 1 of article 40 and par. 1 of article 64 of Law 4172/2013, as in force following its amendment by article 24 of Law 4646/2019 (Government Gazette A' 201/12.12.2019) and hence the final amount of dividend to be paid shall amount to 0,1292 Euro per share (net amount), which has been increased by the dividend corresponding to 96.450 own shares that the Company holds, which are excluded from the payment of dividend, pursuant to the provisions of article 50 of Law 4548/2018.

 Monday, July 4, 2022 is set as the cut-off date.

 Εligible for the dividend of 2021 are the investors who are registered in the Dematerialized Securities System  (D.S.S.) on Tuesday, July 5th 2022 (record date).

 The payment of the dividend will begin on Monday, the 11th of July 2022 and will take place via the paying bank “NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A.” as follows:

 1. Through the operators of the beneficiaries in the D.S.S. (Banks and Brokerage Firms), in accordance with Rulebook of the Hellenic Central Securities Depository and the relevant  ATHEXCSD decisions.  

 2. Especially in cases of dividend payment to the heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose titles are kept in the Special Account of their Share in the D.S.S., under the management of ATHEXCSD, the dividend payment process will be carried out after completion of the legalization of the heirs, through the “NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A.” network. 

 It is noted that dividends which will not be collected by 31ST of December 2027 shall be waived (article 250 section 15 of the Greek Civil Code) and the corresponding amounts shall be transferred irrevocably to the Greek State pursuant to article 1 of Legislative Decree Number 1195/1942.

 For additional information or clarifications, Messrs. shareholders are kindly requested to contact the Shareholders Services Department of the Company (tel.: 210-6680000, e-mail: investor.relations@flexopack.com).



Koropi, 17th of June 2022

The Board of Directors