Euroconsultants Financial Statements 2020 Press Release


P R E S S  R E L E A S E


Euroconsultants S.A. Group

with a significant improvement in all its financial figures in the fiscal year 2020

Significant improvement of its financial figures, as well as maintaining its positive dynamics, was recorded for 2020 by the listed "Euroconsultants S.A.", despite the negative consequences recorded as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in all sectors of the economy.

In particular, according to the balance sheet data for the period 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2020, the Group recorded a turnover of 4,044 thousand €, increased by about 6% compared to last year, while the Profits Before Tax amounted to 893 thousand €, increased by about 123% compared to last year. Profits After Tax amounted to 764 thousand €, increased by approximately 180%, while the Group's EBITDA also improved dramatically, amounting to 1,153 thousand €, increased by approximately 61%.

Regarding the Parent Company (Euroconsultants S.A.), its annual turnover amounted to 4,166 thousand €, recording an increase of 35% compared to the previous year, while Profits Before Taxes increased dramatically, reaching the amount of 965 thousand €, thus showing an increase of 181%. Profits After Tax amounted showed an even greater improvement, amounting to 836 thousand €, increased by 380% compared to the previous year. Finally, the EBITDA of the Parent company was set at 1,206 thousand €, increased by 158% compared to the previous year.

As a result of the above, the company returned after a significant period of time to a positive net position, which now amounts to 206 thousand €. In addition, it dramatically reduced by € 400,000 the amount of its bank depth. At the same the company entered 2021 with an outstanding work (projects awarded – but not delivered yet), which amounts to an amount that exceeds the turnover of 2020. At the same time, the Parent Company participates in tenders with a budget of about 6 million euros abroad and 8m. euros in Greece.

The management of the company estimates that the business environment in which it operates, creates particularly positive prospects, given the financial programs that the country is called to implement in the framework of the new programming period ESPA 2021 - 2027, and the Recovery Fund 2020 - 2025 .