After the Extraordinary General Meeting of July 14, 2021, a new Audit Committee and a new Remuneration and Nominations Committee were appointed in accordance with the conditions of the new Corporate Governance Code of Law 4706/2020.

Therefore, the Audit Committee consists of the following members of the Board of Directors:

- Chairman: Angeliki Tsagaraki, independent non-executive member of the Board.

- Member: Stelios Vasilakis, non-executive member of the Board.

- Member: George Vergos, independent non-executive member of the Board.

Regarding the Remuneration and Nominations Committee, it consists of the following members of the Board of Directors:

- Chairman: Miltiadis Varnavas, independent non-executive member of the Board.

- Member: Stelios Vasilakis, non-executive member of the Board.

- Member: George Vergos, independent non-executive member of the Board.