Replacement of PPA S.A. BoD member - Reconstitution of PPA S.A. BoD

PPA S.A. announces that the Board of Directors taking into account the relevant letter of its shareholder "HRADF S.A." dated 31 August 2021, regarding the replacement of the deceased BoD member of the Company Ioannidou Lito and the articles 18 and 21 of the Company's Articles of Association, decided the replacement of the deceased Ioannidou Lito, non-executive member of the PPA S.A. BoD, representative of HRADF for the rest of her term by Mr. Dimitris Politis.


Due to the above replacement, the Board of Directors is reconstituted from 31/8/2021 as follows:

1)  Mr. YU ZengGang, shareholders representative, Chairman of the BoD, Executive Member of the BoD,

2)  Mr. ZHU Jianhui, shareholders representative, Vice Chairman of the BoD, Non-Executive Member of the BoD,

3)  Mr. ZHANG AnMing, shareholders representative, Acting CEO, Executive Member of the BoD,

4)   Ms. LI Jin, shareholders representative, CFO, Executive Member of the BoD,

5)  Mr. Feng Boming, shareholders representative, Non-Executive Member of the BoD,

6)  Mr. KWONG Che Keung Gordon, shareholders representative, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD,

7)  Mr. IP Sing Chi, shareholders representative, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD,

8)  Mr. ARVANITIS Νikolaos, shareholders representative, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD,

9)  Mr. POLITIS Dimitrios shareholders representative, Non-Executive Member of the BoD,

10)  Mr. MORALIS Ioannis, shareholders representative, Non-Executive Member of the BoD,

11)  Mr. PAPAPOSTOLOU Apostolos, shareholders representative, Non-Executive Member of the BoD.