Reformation of the Board of Directors

The company IKTINOS HELLAS, informs the investing public that the Board of Directors with the sub no. 677 / 24.5.2022 its meeting for operational purposes replaced Mrs. Anastasia Chaida of Evangelos, from Vice Chairman of the Board and non-executive Member, and appointed her as Executive Member of the Board of Directors and at the same time appointed as Vice Chairman of the Board Mrs. Lydia Chaida of Evangelos and appointed her as a Non-Executive Member of the Board of Directors It then re-examined the framework of the provisions of 4706/2020 and the fulfillment of the following conditions:

1. The Board of Directors consists of 3 men and 4 women, so they include the adequate representation by gender in a percentage that is not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of all the members of the board of directors, article 3 par. 1b L.4706 / 2020.

2. The Board of Directors consists of four (4) executive members, one (1) non-executive members and two (2) independent non-executive members, therefore it fulfills article 9 par. 4 of L.4706 / 2020, the independent non-executive members are not less than one third (1/3) of the total number of its members and however, not less than two (2), the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole number.

3. That the independent non-executive members of the Board of Directors meet the conditions of independence of article 9 of Law 4706/2020, and therefore have no shareholding or other dependent relationship with the Company or with persons related to it.

4. The members of the Board of Directors meet the eligibility criteria as provided by the current regulatory framework and the internal operating regulations of the company.

 Following the above change, the composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:

1. Evangelos Haidas of Nikolaos, Chairman and CEO, executive member of the Board.

2. Ioulia Chaida, of Evangelos, Deputy Managing Director, executive member of the Board.

3. Lydia Chaida of Evangelos, Vice Chairman of the Board, non-executive member of the Board.

4. Katsikakis Peristeris,  of Georgios, executive member of the Board.

5. Anastasia Chaida of Evangelos, executive member of the Board.

6. Andreas Koutoupis, of Georgios, independent non-executive member of the Board.

7. Meintani Angeliki of Alexandros, independent non-executive member of the Board.

The representation of the Company remains as it is, to Mr. Evangelos Haidas, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the Company as well as to the Deputy CEO Mr. Ioulia Haidas, who represent and commit each one individually under the corporate stamp, unlimited to the Company for its operations, as mentioned in the Articles of Association.

The term of the above Board of Directors is set until June 30, 2026 and is automatically extended until the first Ordinary General Meeting after the end of his term.