In the context of the correct, reliable and timely information of the investors and according to articles 4.1.2. and of the Athens Exchange Rulebook (hereinafter the «Rulebook»), the company under the name «FLEXOPACK SOCIETE ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY» and the distinctive title «FLEXOPACK S.A.» (hereinafter the «Company») announces the Financial Calendar for 2021 as follows:
-Release Date of Fiscal Year 2020 (1.1.2020-31.12.2020) Annual Financial Statements and Annual Financial Report: Thursday, 29 April 2021 (after the end of trading on Athens Exchange).
Annual Financial Statements and Annual Financial Report will be also available on the Company site and on the ATHEX site
-Date of financial analysts Annual Briefing via teleconference, according to article of the Rulebook, presenting Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Results: Friday, 28 May 2021 at 14.00 local time.
-Date of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders: Friday, 25 June 2021.
-Year 2020 ex-dividend date: Monday, 12 July 2021.
-Shareholders entitled to the year 2020 dividend: Tuesday, 13 July 2021.
-First day of payment of the year 2020 dividend: Monday, 19 July 2021.
Specific details regarding the above will be given with a new announcement of the Company at a later date.
The Company is eligible to amend the above dates under the condition that investors are timely informed in accordance with the provisions of Rulebook.
Koropi, 26 April 2021