Resolution of the Extraordinary General Assembly of NBG of 21 April 2021


Resolution of the Extraordinary General Assembly of NBG of 21 April 2021

National Bank of Greece (NBG) announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of its Shareholders was held today, 21 April 2021, at 11:00 a.m., remotely in real-time via teleconference.

In respect of the sole item of the Agenda, the General Meeting convened with a quorum of 68.62% of total common voting shares [including the common shares issued in favor of the HFSF (article 7a par. 3 of Law 3864/2010)]

and adopted the following resolution:

  • Approved the transaction concerning the divestment of a 90.01% stake in the “Ethniki Hellenic General Insurance S.A.” business through the sale of 100% of the shares of “Ethniki Hellenic General Insurance S.A.” owned by the Bank to a newly incorporated subsidiary of CVC, Ethniki Holdings S.àr.l. (“Purchaser”) and the Banks purchase of 9.99% of the shares in the Purchaser, in each case in accordance with the key terms, the Transaction Documents and the relevant approval of the Board of Directors, as presented to the General Meeting.


Athens, April 21st, 2021