Financial Calendar 2022

Within the framework of the company's obligations with regard to the regular information of the investment public, UNIBIOS HOLDINGS S.A.  announces the Financial Calendar for the year 2022 in accordance with Articles 4.1.2 and of the Athens Stock Exchange Rule Book:

Date of announcement of the Annual Economic Report on the Athens Stock Exchange: Wednesday 20.04.2022.

Date of announcement of the Annual Financial Report on www.unibios.gr website: Wednesday 20.04.2022.

Date of Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders: Friday 09.09.2022.

Date of Announcement of results for the first semester 2022: Friday 30.09.2022.

The Board of Directors of the company proposes to the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders the non-distribution of dividends for the year 2021.  The company reserves the right to change the above dates. At any change in the above dates the company will inform the investment public by amending this announcement.