Acceptance of resignation of BoD Members - Reconstitution of BoD

PPA S.A. announces that the Board of Directors, taking into account, the resignation letters of BoD members Mr. Ioannis Moralis and Mr. Apostolos Papapostolou, (due to the change in the shareholder structure of the company (as a result of the 16% transfer of the Company's capital share from HELLENIC REPUBLIC ASSET DEVELOPMENT FUND S.A. (HRADF) to COSCO SHIPPING HONG KONG Co., Limited)) and the subsequent entitlement of HRADF to designate one (1) Director in the PPA SA BoD decided


A. The acceptance of the resignation of the BoD members Mr. Ioannis Moralis and Mr. Apostolos Papapostolou (HRADF representatives).

Β. Due to the above resignations, the reconstitution of PPA SA BoD as follows:


1.  Mr. YU ZengGang, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Member.

2.  Mr. ZHU Jianhui, Vice Chairman Non-Executive Member.

3.  Mr. Zhang Anming, Executive Member, acting CEO.

4.  Mr. FENG Boming, Non-Executive Member.

5.  Mr. KWONG Che Keung Gordon, Independent Non-Executive Member.

6.  Mr. IP Sing Chi, Independent Non-Executive Member.

7.  Ms. LI Jin, Executive Member.

8.  Mr. ARVANITIS Νikolaos, Independent Non-Executive Member.

9.  Mr. POLITIS Dimitrios, Non-Executive Member.


The term of office of the Company's BoD Members, expires on 16-07-2022, and is extended, in accordance with the provisions of article 85, par. 1, par. c of Law 4548/2018 and article 18 par. 1 of the Company's Articles of Association until the expiration of the deadline within which the next Ordinary General Meeting must be convened in 2022 and until the relevant decision is taken.