Terms of the Share Purchase Program of Unibios Holdings S.A.

Announcement of the Terms of the Share Purchase Program of Unibios Holdings S.A.

Unibios Holdings S.A. announces that at the Extraordinary General Meeting of its Shareholders that took place on 18-2-2022 it was decided to continue the program of purchase of the Company's own shares:

A new approval was granted for the purchase of own shares under the following conditions:

(1) Maximum purchase quantity: The total quantity of shares that the company will acquire together with those it already holds will not exceed 10% of the voting rights or the share capital of the company. This amount currently corresponds to 1,486,489 shares.

(2) The duration of the program is set from the end of the previous one and until 31-12-2022.

(3) The maximum purchase price is set at €1.93 and the minimum purchase price at €0.01.

The company will be able to use the own shares it will acquire in accordance with article 49 of Law 4548/2018 in whole or in part for distribution to its employees and/or Board Members and / or for the satisfaction of stock options within the framework of the options programs or for the reduction of its capital. The company may also use the shares for any other legitimate reason, including in any case the exchange with shares of another company. Unibios Holdings S.A. announces the entry into force of the share purchase program.