Results of Annual General Meeting of Coca-Cola HBC AG



Coca-Cola HBC AG

Results of Annual General Meeting of Coca-Cola HBC AG



Zug, Switzerland – 21 June 2022 – Coca-Cola HBC AG (“Coca-Cola HBC”) today announces that all of the proposals of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) set out in the notice of the annual general meeting (“AGM”) dated 19 May 2022 were duly passed by the requisite majority of shareholders at its AGM held today, 21 June 2022. The final results are set out below. A copy of the resolutions passed at the AGM has also been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at and on Coca-Cola HBC's website at


The AGM approved a dividend of EUR 0.71 per share (“Dividend”) out of the general capital contribution reserve, capped at an amount of CHF 300,000,000. Payment of the full amount of the Dividend will be made on 2 August 2022 to holders of ordinary shares on the record date of 8 July 2022. The shares are expected to be traded ex-dividend as of 7 July 2022, in which case the last day on which the shares may be traded with the entitlement to receive dividends will be 6 July 2022.


Resolutions 7 and 9, the advisory votes to approve the UK Remuneration Report and the Swiss Remuneration Report, were passed with approximately 67.17% of the votes cast. Resolution 4.3 in relation to the re-election of Charlotte J. Boyle, Chair of the Remuneration Committee, was also passed with approximately 78.11% of the votes cast. Consequently the Board will initiate a consultation with shareholders on its approach to remuneration which will take place between now and the next AGM in 2023, ensuring as many shareholders as possible are able to provide their feedback on remuneration matters and on an approach to remuneration that aligns as closely as possible with the balance of shareholder views. All other resolutions were passed with high levels of support ranging between approximately 86.54 and 99.94% and shareholders were supportive of Resolution 8 on the Remuneration Policy, which was passed with the support of approximately 96.03% of the votes cast.


Please see complete announcmenet attached

Results of Annual General Meeting of Coca-Cola HBC AG