PRESS RELEASE-National Bank of Greece approves the draft demerger deed for the spin-off of its Merchant Acquiring Business

National Bank of Greece approves the draft demerger deed for the spin-off of its Merchant Acquiring Business


Athens, 31 May 2022

The National Bank of Greece (“NBG”) announces that the Board of Directors approved the draft demerger deed for the spin-off of its Merchant Acquiring Business and its contribution to a newly established company, NBG Pay S.M.S.A (“NBG Pay”). Following the approval by the Board of Directors of NBG Pay, the draft demerger deed was executed today and will be published on the General Commercial Registry and on the website of NBG in accordance with the provisions of law 4601/2019.

The completion of the demerger is subject to the required approvals of the General Meeting of the shareholders of NBG and NBG Pay as required by law as well as the receipt of all necessary approvals and authorisations by the competent authorities.

Press Release