In the context of the correct, reliable and timely information of the investors and according to articles 4.1.2. and of the Athens Exchange Rulebook (hereinafter the «Rulebook»), the company under the name «FLEXOPACK SOCIETE ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY» and the distinctive title «FLEXOPACK S.A.» (hereinafter the «Company») announces that the Financial Calendar for 2022 that was published on 18.04.2022, is amended with respect to the date of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders.
- Date of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders: Friday, June 10, 2022 (instead of Monday, June 13, 2022, which was initially announced), due to official holiday of the Athens Stock Exchange on the originally set date and in order to facilitate the shareholders to exercise their relevant rights of participation and voting.
The Company is eligible to amend the above dates under the condition that investors are timely informed in accordance with the provisions of Rulebook.
Koropi, 11 May 2022