ELTON Group - Announcement about the events in Ukraine and response to a letter from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission with protocol number 478/24.02.2022

ELTON Group -  Announcement about the events in Ukraine and response to a letter from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission with protocol number 478/24.02.2022


At ELTON Group, we all follow with awe the historic events in Ukraine, being in constant communication with our colleagues at our subsidiary Elton Corporation LLC, headquartered in Kiev.


Having as higher and unconditional priority the safety and security of our people and their families, we issued relative directions in accordance to local security guidelines and moved in suspending the operation of our subsidiary until the full restoration of safe conditions for Ukrainians to work and live.  


We would also wish to inform our shareholders and the broader investment public that this hopefully temporary suspension of operations of our subsidiary in Ukraine, is not expected  to impact considerably upon the overall position of our Group.

The contribution of Elton Corporation LLC in Ukraine to the robust financial position of ELTON Group is considerably limited  and therefore we are confident that there will be an equally limited effect on our financial position (1,60% of Group), our turnover (2% of Group) and overall results (0,87% of Group). Furthermore, it should be noted that our company has no significant exposure in the local market, while as always, we take every and all measures to safeguard our financial position against all issues and threats.


In these difficult hours, the hopes and prayers of everyone in ELTON Group remain with our colleagues and clients in Ukraine, hoping that this nightmare will be over soon and ready to provide them with any possible support.