ANNOUNCEMENT - Eurobank Holdings and doValue Group enter into Mexico transaction

Monday, October 11th, 2021




Eurobank Holdings and doValue Group

enter into Mexico transaction


Eurobank Holdings (“Eurobank”) has signed with doValue Group an agreement: a) for the sale of a portion of mezzanine and junior securitization notes of the €5.2 billion nominal value (€3.2 billion gross book value) multi-asset NPE portfolio of Eurobank S.A. (“the Bank”) (Mexico transaction) and b) for the ongoing servicing of the portfolio by doValue Group.


The transaction is expected to be completed by December 31, 2021 subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, including the issuance of the Ministerial Decision on the inclusion of the Mexico securitisation in the Hercules Asset Protection Scheme (“Hercules II”) under l.4649/2019 and the regulatory approval by the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) for the risk transfer of the underlying loans.


Τhe loans of the Mexico securitization will be reclassified as Held for Sale in Q3-2021. The completion of the sale of Mexico notes and the derecognition of Mexico loans will take place in Q4-2021, subject to the completion of the transaction and after having received all necessary approvals, as per the usual practice.


The transaction will have no material impact on the regulatory capital ratios of Eurobank and, post-closing, its NPE ratio is expected to stand at 7.3%.


Financial Advisor to Eurobank: Alantra Corporate Portfolio Advisors International Limited.


Legal Advisors to Eurobank: Allen & Overy LLP and Karatzas & Partners Law Firm.