Financial results of the company to the members of the Institutional Investors

The Vice-President of the Board of Directors of IKTINOS, Ms Julie Chaida presented the financial results of the company to the members of the Institutional Investors Association.
Ms. Chaida mentioned that IKTINOS remains one of the largest marble companies worldwide with a strong sales network abroad, while through its subsidiaries is activated in the field of wind energy and in the real estate sector. Regarding the investment in Crete island,  Ms Chaida underlined that the company is still searching for an investor.
As she pointed out, Greece is in the 3rd place in the world in the upprocessed marble exports, reaching € 31 million, as Greek marble is in high demand in the abroad.
Referring to IKTINOS, she noted, among other things, that the company's market share in Greece amounts to 12% and the company has employees more than 450 people, with the majority of the company's staff retiring from IKTINOS. The company had a turnover of € 8.5 million in the first quarter of 2021, compared to 6.6 million in the first quarter of 2020, an increase of 28.61%. EBITDA amounted to € 2.8 million in the first quarter of 2021, compared to € 0.83 million in the first quarter of 2020, an increase of 238%. She added that the company intends in interim dividend distribution for the fiscal year 2021.
Ms. Chaida expressed her optimism for 2021, as all markets seem be active again, overcoming the pandemic, while the company's constant goal is to continue the search for new raw materials.
Referring to the period of the pandemic, she underlined that the company was called to act immediately and adjusted its strategy. It trained its staff to acquire new digital skills, with main goal to lifelong learning and training of its staff.
She also noted that IKTINOS is standing by the Municipalities and Communities in which it has its activities and installation, understanding the current difficult conditions, while it helped and reinforced the Drama Hospital against COVID-19.