Piraeus, 08.09.2017

Public Disclosure of Inside Information


Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1055, Piraeus Port Authority S.A. (hereinafter “PPA”), announces  that it has completed today the following transaction with the related company COSCO (Shanghai) Shipyard CO., LTD (hereinafter “COSCO SH”).

COSCO SH has agreed to sell and PPA has agreed to buy the following Floating Dock (the “Dock”):

Name of the Dock:  “ZHONG YUAN SHE SHAN”

LOA: 240M, Molded breadth: 45M, Molded depth: 18M

Classification Society:  China Classification Society (CCS)  

Built date: 14th February, 2008, Built By:  COSCO SH (Dalian) Shipyard Co.,Ltd.

Flag:  China, Place of Registration: Shanghai, Register Number:  07M6187      

Register tonnage: 20566T, Net tonnage: 6169T, Lifting capacity: 22000T

The Dock will be moved and installed in the Ship Repair Zone of Perama after the completion of the necessary infrastructure works in the area. The whole process is expected to be completed by February 2018.


The Purchase Price for the Dock is euro twenty three million eight hundred and thirty five thousand (€23,835,000.00) and will be settled in four installments.

The abovementioned transaction was drawn up under usual commercial terms and makes part of the approved investment plan of PPA for 2017.

The parties to the transaction are affiliates of China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited.