Serres, 30/05/17
Today the 30/05/17, 12th hour at the offices of the company in the Industrial Area of
Serres, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of «PAPAPANAGIOTOU SA»
and with the distinctive title «DROMEAS SA» was held. Specifically 11 Shareholders
were attending, who hold a total of 26.506.394 common shares of the Company,
representing 76,34% (a quorum) of the total share capital. According to Article 278 of
the ASE (Athens Stock Exchange) Regulation, the Company informs that in the above
General Meeting, discussed and decisions were taken on the following agenda items:
1. The shareholders that were present, having 76,34% of the Company's share
capital (ie shareholders holding 26.506.394 total shares) decided unanimously to
approve the annual financial statements (for the Company and the Group) as well
as the report of the Board of Directors and the Report of the External Auditor. On
the basis of the financial result in the fiscal year 2016, there is no dividend to be
2. After approving the annual financial statements (Company and consolidated), the
shareholders that were present, holding 76,34% of the shares and after special
vote, by roll call i.e. shareholders holding a total of 26.506.394 shares, decided
unanimously to rid the Board members and the auditors of the Company from any
liability for the fiscal year from 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2016.
3. The shareholders that were present, having 76,34% of the Company's share
capital (ie shareholders holding 26.506.394 total shares) decided to entrust the
audit of fiscal year 2017 to Mr Athanasios D. Tsaklis (Registration Number 14951)
and Mr. Dimitrios G. Plastaras (Registration Number 27771) as a substitute. The
Board of Directors was further authorized to sign a relevant contract awarding the
audit within a reasonable timeframe, as required by the applicable Auditing
4. The shareholders that were present, having 76,34% of the Company's share
capital (ie shareholders holding 26.506.394 total shares) unanimously approved
the Control Committee, which composition and operation is now controlled
according to law 44Ν. 4449/2017, to consist of non-executive members, namely
Grigorios Zarotiadis, Chairman of the Committee, and Athanasios Kalafatis and
Dimitrios Petalas, members of the Committee
5. The shareholders that were present, having 76,34% of the Company's share
capital (ie shareholders holding 26.506.394 total shares) unanimously approved in
accordance with Article 24 of Law 2190/1920, fees, benefits and allowances,
granted to members of the Board from 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2016.
6. The shareholders that were present, having 76,34% of the Company's share
capital (ie shareholders holding 26.506.394 total shares) unanimously approved in
accordance with Article 24 of Law 2190/1920, the budgeted fees, benefits and
allowances to be granted to members of the Board from 1.1.2017 to 31.12.2017.
Besides it was also decided, in accordance with Article 5 of Law 3016/2002 on
corporate governance, the determination of compensation of non-executive Board
members for 2017 for time spent in board meetings and overall performance of
their duties and authorized the Board to take the necessary actions to implement
the above.
7. The shareholders that were present, having 76,34% of the Company's share
capital (ie shareholders holding 26.506.394 total shares) unanimously approved
the amendment of contract of the 05.01.2017 , by which the Chairman of the
Board of Directors grants the company patent and design rights.
The Board of Directors