Announcement for the ex-dividend/Payment date for the corporate use 2016 (Correct Repetition)
Announcement for the ex-dividend/Payment date for the corporate use 2016
Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. announces that, according to the Article of the Athens Exchange Regulation and following the decisions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 7th July 2017, the dividend for the financial year 2016 amounts to 0,49 euros per share, which dividend is subject to 15% withholding tax, net final amount payable will be 0,4165 euros per share,in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 11 of article 112 of Law 4387/2016 as in force after the publication of Law 4389/2016 and its directives POL1068/2016.
The ex-dividend date was set on Monday, July 31, 2017. From this date, the Company's shares will be traded on the Athens Stock Exchange, without the right to receive a dividend.
The Record Date was set on Tuesday, August 1, 2017. According to the ATHEX regulations, the beneficiaries of the dividend are the investors who are registered in the DSS records as beneficiaries of the aforementioned Record Date.
The payment of the dividend was set on Friday, August 4, 2017, by the paying bank «Eurobank Ergasias SA» as follows:
1. Through the operators of securities accounts in the DSS, for those shareholders who have authorized their operators to collect the dividend.
2. By depositing in the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), where the investor has declared that he wishes to receive the distributed amounts according to article 13 of the DSS Operation Regulation and the decision No. 6 of BoD of ATHEXCSD, as applicable to investors who do not wish to receive them through their operators. It concerns investors who have declared IBAN to the paying bank «Eurobank Ergasias SA».
3. Through the branch network of «Eurobank Ergasias SA», for those shareholders who have requested the non-collection of dividends by their operators or have revoked the relevant authorization for DSS operators, or whose shares are held in the Special Account of ATHEXCSD. These shareholders will be able to collect the dividend either by themselves or by their legally authorized representatives at «Eurobank Ergasias SA» throughout its branch network by presenting their Police Identity or the relevant authorization of the beneficiary with a verified signature by a Public Authority.
Dividends that will not be recovered within five (5) years are forfeited in favor of the Greek State.
For further information, the Company's Shareholders may contact the Company's Shareholders Financial Department (tel. 2310 593-320, ThPA Technical Service Building, Gate 11, Port of Thessaloniki).
In addition, the contact details of the paying bank "Eurobank Ergasias SA" are as follows: Domestic Markets Custody Operations Division, Corporate Actions Division, Iolkou 8 and Filiki Etairia 14234 N.Ionia, telephone numbers 21035.22.085 and 21035.22.270.