Amendment of the Articles of Association of EYDAP SA
Clarification on the 9th Topic of the Agenda of the 36th Annual ShareholdersΆ Meeting of EYDAP S.A. on June 18th,2018
Topic 9th: Amendment of the Articles of Association of EYDAP S.A.
With the no.19657/16.05.2018 resolution, the BoD of EYDAP SA decided to propose to the Shareholders General Meeting, the amendment of the Articles of Association of association of EYDAP S.A., according to the draft of the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association, posted on 10.05.2018, with the exception of the no. 3 proposed amendment of item d of par. 1 of Article 4 of the current Articles of Association with regard to the purpose and objective of the Company (addendum of education, training and lifelong learning services), as it does not fall in the prescribed changes framework by the law.