Share Capital Decrease of the ?AS Company S.A.? and share capital return in cash to Shareholders.
Share Capital Decrease of the societe anonyme under the name “AS COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMPUTER AND GAMES SOCIETE ANONYME” with the distinctive title “AS Company S.A.” and share capital return in cash to Shareholders.
Oraiokastro, 20th July 2017
The Shareholders` Ordinary General Assembly of “AS COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMPUTER AND GAMES SOCIETE ANONYME” with the distinctive title “AS Company S.A.” (hereinafter “the Company”) held on the 5th of May 2017, decided, among others, the decrease of the Company`s share capital by the amount of euro 525.040,80 and the relevant amendment of Article 5 of the Statute related to the Company`s Share Capital. The decrease of the share capital will be effected by the reduction of the value of each common registered share by euro 0.04 per share, so as the new value of each share will finally be set from euro 0.65 to euro 0.61, along with the share capital return of the amount of euro 0.04 per share, in cash, to the Company`s shareholders. Following the above decrease, the Company`s share capital will amount to ¤8.006.872,20, divided by 13.126.020 common registered shares resulting in euro 0.61 per share. The amendment of Article 5 of the Company`s statute was approved by the decision No. 53160/10.05.2017 of the Ministry of Economy and Development , which was registered in the General Commercial Registry on 10.05.2017.
The Athens Stock Exchange Market Management Committee, at its meeting, held on the 19th of July 2017, was informed of the decrease of the Company`s share capital and the capital return in cash of the amount of euro 0.04 per share, as well as of the amendment of Article 5 of the Company`s statute.
Following the aforementioned, and according to the supplementary calendar, which was posted on the company's website and published on the Athens Stock Exchange, from Friday, 8.9.2017 (cut-off date), the Company`s shares will be traded on the Athens Stock Exchange with their new value, i.e. euro 0.61 per share, and without the right to benefit from the capital return in cash of euro 0.04 per share. From the same date, the starting price of the Company`s shares on the Athens Stock Exchange will be determined in accordance with the Regulation of the Athens Stock Exchange in conjunction with the decision No. 26 of the Board of the Athens Stock Exchange, as applicable. Shareholders, registered in the Company`s Official Registry held in the Dematerialized Security System (hereinafter "D.S.S"), on Thursday, 11.09.2017 (record day), will be entitled to the capital return.
Friday, 15.09.2017, is set as the starting date of the capital return to the Company`s shareholders. The payment will be effected through «Eurobank Ergasias S.A.» bank network, in accordance with the restrictions on cash withdrawal and transfer of funds, imposed by the Order of 18 July 2015, as applicable, (Greek Government Gazette A` 84/18.07.2015), as follows:
1. Through the operators of the beneficial shareholders (banks, custodians and brokerage firms), at the D.S.S., according to paragraph of the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation and article 39 of the Regulation of Operation of the D.S.S., only for the shareholders, who have authorized the operators for the collection of the capital return.
2. By deposition at the International Bank Account Number (IBAN), when the investor has stated that he wishes to receive the distributed amounts in accordance with Article 13 of the D.S.S. Regulation and Decision No 6 of the Board of ATHEXCSD, as applicable, for investors, who do not wish to receive the amounts through their operators. The above applies only to investors, who have declared IBAN to the paying bank «Eurobank Ergasias S.A.».
3. Through the branch network of “Eurobank Ergasias S.A.”, for those Shareholders, who have requested to be exempted from their Operator in the D.S.S. or have recalled the relevant authorization or whose shares are kept in their special investor's account, by disclosing “KAME” number (Investors' Account Code Account Number in the D.S.S.) and demonstrating the ID card, either in person or through a legally authorized representative in any branch of the above paying bank (in such case, the relevant authorization documents will be provided with certification of the signature of the beneficiary concerned). The payment of the capital return through the bank “Eurobank Ergasias S.A.” will be possible for a period of one year from the beginning of the payment.
Upon the expiry of a period of 12 months from the starting date of payment, the capital return will be payable only at the Company`s offices, at Oraiokastro, Thessaloniki, 2nd klm Palaias Symmahikis Odou – Diastavrosi pros Palaiokastro (tel. 2310 572000).
Furthermore, the contact information of the paying bank “Eurobank Ergasias S.A.” is the following: Subdirection Domestic Markets Custody Operations, Department Corporate Actions, Iolkou and Filikis Etairias 8, PC 14234, N. Ionia, tel 210-35.22.085 and 210- 35.22.270.