KIRIACOULIS MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES SHIPPING S.A. Decisions of the Shareholders’ Ordinary General Assembly on 06.07.2017

The Ordinary General Assembly of the Company's Shareholders held on 06.07.2017 decided upon all issues of the agenda by quorum of 72,81% (i.e. 5.530.260 shares and votes out of a total of 7.595.160) and by 100% majority (i.e. 5.530.260 shares and votes out of an equal number of attending shares).

1 + 2) The Annual Financial Report for the period 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016 dated 21.4.2017 as well as the relative report by the Auditor were approved. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.530.260 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,81%).

3) The members of the Board of Directors and the Auditor were released from any liability of compensation arising from the Annual Financial Report as well as the administration and management in general of the period 01.01 - 31.12.2016. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.530.260 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,81%).

4) The auditing firm “SOL S.A.” (Reg. N. SOEL 125) was elected as Auditors for the period 01.01 – 31.12.2017 and specifically as regular. Regular auditor Mr. Meletios Siastathis of Dimitrios (Reg. N. SOEL 12181) and as substitute auditor Mr. Theodoros Dilaris of Georgios (Reg. N. SOEL 10481), with determination of the remuneration for the fiscal period 2017. Also, the remuneration for the fiscal period 2016 of auditor Mr. Meletios Siastathis was approved. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.530.260 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,81%).

5) The General Assembly approved to not distribute dividend from the profits of the year 2016, as provided in article 3 of Compulsory Law 14/1977, as it was replaced by article 10 of Law 3460/2006 and is currently in force, and the transfer of the net profits of the company equal to the amount of 201.690 € to the account of retained earnings. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.530.260 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,81%)

6) The remuneration and expenses paid to members of the Board of Directors were approved and their relevant future remuneration and expenses were determined. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.530.260 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,81%).