Athens, June 16th 2017
JUNE 2017
EYDAP S.A. informs the investment community that, its Ordinary Shareholders' General Meeting was held on Friday, the 16th of June 2017, at 11.00 a.m. at the Company's headquarters, 156 Oropou Str., Galatsi.
Present at the Company's General Meeting were 109 Shareholders, representing a total of 83,332,263 shares i.e 78.25% of the Company's paid up share capital.
The Ordinary General Meeting:
-Approved the Individual and Consolidated Annual Financial Statements of EYDAP SA, according to the I.F.R.S. for the fiscal year 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2016, the Board of Directors' (BoD) Report and the Independent Auditors' Report of the Company.
-Approved a dividend distribution of 0.11 euro per share gross, i.e. 0.0935 euro per share net, after 15% withholding tax (0.0165 euro per share) pursuant to article 112 L.4387/2016 (as it is currently effective). The total dividend amount that will be distributed to the shareholders comes up to 11,715,000 euro. Beneficiaries of the dividend are shareholders registered in the Company's records in the Dematerialized Securities System on June 23rd 2017 (record date). Ex-dividend date is therefore defined as June 22th, 2017. Payment of dividend will commence on June 29th, 2017 according to the procedure defined by the Regulation of the Athens Exchange.
-Approved the exemption of the BoD members and the Chartered Auditor, from any responsibility for compensation for the fiscal year 1.1.2016-31.12.2016.
-Ratified the election of Mr. Alexandros Pouliasis as a Member of the Audit Committee of EYDAP SA and its appointment as an independent non-executive Member.
-Approved the remunerations paid for the Chairman of the BoD and the Chief Executive Officer, for the fiscal year 2016 accountably for the period starting from 1.7.2016 until 30.6.2017 and approved in advance the relevant remunerations for the period starting from 1.7.2017 to 30.06.2018.
-Approved the remunerations paid and compensations for the BoD Members, the Secretary of the BoD, the Members of the Audit Committee, the Director of Legal Services Division and the Legal Advisor to the Company for fiscal year 2016, accountably for the period starting from 1.7.2016 until 30.6.2017 and approved in advance the relevant remunerations and compensations for the period starting from 1.7.2017 to 30.06.2018.
-Selected the Audit Company “SOL S.A., Audit Accountants” and elected the ordinary auditors, Mr. Efstratios Paparidis, Chartered Accountant (SOEL num. 14351) and Dimitrios Stavrou Chartered Accountant (SOEL num. 14791) as well as the deputy auditors Mrs Athina Keramitzi Chartered Accountant (SOEL num. 29421) and Dionysios Papageorgakopoulos Chartered Accountant (SOEL num. 37221) and approved their remuneration for auditing the annual financial statements for fiscal year 2017 and the Interim Financial Statements for the half-year period of 2017 and for granting the Tax Certificate of fiscal year 2017.