Announcement - Replacement of Hellenic Financial Stability Fund’s representative in accordance with the provisions of Law 3864/2010
Monday, October 2nd, 2017
Replacement of Hellenic Financial Stability Fund's
representative in accordance with the provisions of Law 3864/2010
Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (Bank or Eurobank) announces that on 29.09.2017 the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) by its letter to the Bank informed of the termination of Mr. Kenneth Howard Prince-Wright from the position of the Board of Directors (BoD) since 30.09.2017 and requested Mr. Christoforos Koufalias to be temporarily appointed as the new representative of the HFSF to Eurobank's BoD, according to the provisions of L.3864/2010 and the Relationship Framework Agreement signed between Eurobank and HFSF.
The BoD of Eurobank shall integrate the new representative of the HFSF into the BoD as a non-executive member in the immediate coming period.