ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO LAW 3556/2007:Notification of change of share of voting rights

EYDAP S.A. pursuant to Law 3556/30.4.2007, Decision 1/434/3.7.2007 and Circular No. 33/2007 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, informs the investing community that, according to the relevant submission of the notification of the Ministry of Finance, which the Company received electronically on March 21st, 2018, the total number of indirect voting rights controlled by the Greek State amounts to 65.319.740 (61.33%). This change in the voting rights is due to the transfer of 53,250,001 shares of EYDAP S.A., from the Greek State to the "Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A." (HCAP S.A.) following the execution of an over-the-counter transaction on March 20th 2018, free of charge, according to paragraph 20, article 380 of L. 4512/2018, which replaced paragraph 1, article 197 of L. 4389/2016, as in force from 1/1/2018.

The total (100%) of the shares of HRADF is held by the "Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A." (HCAP S.A.), which now controls directly the voting rights of 53.250.001 shares (50%+1 share) and indirectly the voting rights of 12.069.739 shares (11.33%) via  HRADF. Consequently, to total percentage of voting rights (indirect and direct) of HCAP S.A. amounts to 61.33%. The Greek State controls HCAP S.A. by 100%.