Resolutions of the General Meeting
Resolutions of the General Meeting
Today, Friday, May 5th, 2017, at 10:00 am, at the Company`s headquarters in Oraiokastro, Thessaloniki, “AS Company S.A.” conducted its General Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the Company for the Fiscal Year 2017. At the General Meeting five (5) shareholders were present or represented 9.408.590 shares, which represent 71,679% of the total paid-in capital.
The General Meeting agreed the following regarding the issues on the agenda:
- Submission and approval of the annual financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year 2016 (1/1 - 31/12/2016) accompanied with the relevant reports of the Board of Directors and the Auditor.
Valid Votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Resolution of profit distribution concerning the twenty-fifth (25th) fiscal year (from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016).
Valid votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Discharge of the Board of Directors and Auditors from any liability for the fiscal year 2016 and approval of management operations and representation acts of the Board
Valid votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Election of Statutory Auditors, a regular and an alternate, for the fiscal year 2017 and approval of their remuneration.
Valid votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Approval of remuneration and compensation paid to executive and non-executive directors for the year 2016.
Valid votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Preapproval and designation of remuneration and compensation of executive and non-executive directors for the year 2017.
Valid votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Completion and amendment of Article 4 of the current codified statute of the Company concerning its purpose.
Valid votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Decrease of the share capital of the Company by 525.040,80 EUR by reducing the nominal value of each ordinary registered share of the Company from EUR 0,65 to 0,61 EUR, i.e. a decrease of 4 cents and return it to the shareholders as well as amendment of article 5 of the current codified statute concerning the company`s share capital so as the above decrease will be depicted.
Valid votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Codification of the Statute to integrate the modifications of Articles 4 and 5.
Valid votes - 9.408.590, Percentage of total shares - 71,679%.
Approved: 9.408.590, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
- Other announcements - approvals and General Interest issues.
The President and CEO informs the shareholders on various issues relating to the function and the prospects of the Company and the Group in general.