Change in the composition of the Board of Directors

Τhe company Attica Publications S.A. announces to the investors that at the meeting of 12th February 2018, the Board appointed Mr. Oddone Maria Pozzi as new member of the board, in replacement of the resigned member Mr. Zeno Pellizzari and for the remaining term of the resigned member, thus till 30.6.2018.

Mr. Οddone Maria Pozzi shall be a non executive member of the board.

The above replacement shall be announced, according to the law, during the next General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company.

Following the above, the Board of Directors of the Company was reconstituted for the remaining of the its term, thus till 30.06.2018, as follows: 

  1. Theoharis Filippopoulos of Alexander, President, non executive
  2. Enrico Vigano of Renato, Vice President, executive member.
  3. Nikolaos Panopoulos of Christos, Managing Director, executive member
  4. Carlo Luigi Mandelli, Member, non executive.
  5. Christiana Tettamanzi of Biagio, Member, non executive
  6. Oddone Maria Pozzi of Renzo, Member, non executive
  7. Nikolaos Mouzakis of Sokrates, Member, non executive, independent.
  8. Stefanos Troupakis, of Spyridon, Member, non executive, independent.

During the above meeting, it was further resolved by the Board of Directors, in the course of implementation of article 44 of law 4449/2017, the replacement of the member of the Inspection Committee and non executive member of the board, Mr. Carlo Luigi Mandelli with the non executive member of the Board, Mrs Christina Tettamanzi, who fulfils the requirements of the law for this position as she has sufficient knowledge of the publishing sector, in which the Company is active. 

The appointment of Mrs. Christiana Tettamanzi, as member of the Inspection Committee, shall be submitted for approval, at the next General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company.

Therefore, the new composition of the Committee has as follows:

  1. Stefanos Troupakis          President
  2. Christiana Tettamanzi       Member
  3. Nikolaos Mouzakis             Member