“AS Company SA”, in order to provide accurate and timely information to investors and according to articles 4.1.2 and of the Athens Exchange Rulebook, hereby releases a modification of its Financial Calendar for the year 2017 concerning the refund of share capital to the Company`s shareholders.
Specifically, the BoD will propose, during the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders, held on 5.5.2017, the reduction of the Company`s share capital and refund this amount to shareholder, by reducing the share`s nominal value by four (4) cents, thus a total reduction of the share capital 525.040,80 euro. The nominal value of each Company`s share will reduce from 0,65 euro euro to 0,61 euro.
Therefore, on the financial calendar for the year 2017 the following is added:
Pre-emption right of share capital refund: Friday, 08.09.2017.
Individuals entitled for share capital refund : Shareholders of the Company who are registered in the DSS Monday, 11.09.2017 (record date).
Commencement date of share capital refund: Friday, 15.09.2017.
The above is subject to the approval of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders. The Company reserves the right to modify the above dates after informing the investors for the amendment of the present.